Wednesday, 18 January 2017


 The interact badging ceremony was extremely enthralling, the assembly started by the lighting of the lamp, where in Nandini Goel from Grade 8A sang an alluring welcome song. Afterwards our Chief Guest came up and shared his thoughts after the lighting of the lamp. His speech was quite inspiring and it motivated all the children to make a difference in their life by contributing to the society. The assembly continued and a few Sai Bal Sansar (a school adopted by Pathways Noida) students came up and thanked the interact committee for their benefaction towards their school and learning as every Wednesday the interact students taught different subjects to the Sai Bal Sansar kids.

Apart from that, they also had a football match, where in the Sai Bal Sansar students beat our football team hollow. Afterwards, there was a beautiful dance performed by the Sai Bal Students in which they presented a form of kathak and everybody enjoyed it thoroughly. After all those delightful performances, we moved on to the badging of the new interact committee. It was truly a great moment for all the proud parents who were present in the assembly to support and encourage the children.

Once the badging took place, our ex-interact club President Jahnvi Datta, came up, and gave a wonderful speech on their collaboration and achievements as the interact committee of 2016-17. She had made all of us proud by sharing their achievements. Muskan Shrivastav, our new interact club president, came up and shared her plans for the interact club of 2017-18. 

The assembly then came to an end by Dr. Advani and Jahnvi Datta giving the donation which pathways collected along with a home theater system to the Head of Sai Bal Sansar. it was truly an immense moment for all the Pathwayzians. 

The assembly closed by Dr. Advani and Mr. Jain appreciating all the work our 2016-17 interact team did, and congratulating our new interact committee. It was truly a memorable day.

                                                             By-Asmi Khungar,8B

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